Its back to work for me. I was out 2 days last week because of an eye infection. It was a nice mini vacation.
Today’s doodle….
Everyday there is a 100% chance that I will doodle a chika. So I thought it would be nice to share them with you 🙂
You can follow me the next 31 days for A Chika A Day….
Today’s doodle…
El Stitch y Bitch
Contributed to an altar in memory of our crafty abuelas (grandmothers). I do not have pics at this time but please enjoy the pic below. Two of the members of El Stitch y Bitch taught a youth summer knitting class and this is one of the many beautiful yarn bombing installations at their closing show.
The Day of the Dead exhibit runs through December.
Cocoa Beach Florida with my sister in July. Catching a show about the history of female surfers. Left my footprint there…
Annual Pros Arts We Are Hip Hop Festival
Canvas donated to Pros Arts Studios…
Oh lovely mess…