Plush Workshop @ Rumble Arts

I’m so happy and excited to be holding a plush toy workshop once again! This time I will be at Rumble Arts Center in the Humboldt Park neighborhood.

Rumble Arts has a great mix of evening and weekend classes available, from yoga and dance to figure drawing and screenprinting. If you are a parent living in the city and looking for affordable arts classes for the family I recommend checking them out. You can visit their website for a schedule of classes and events.

I received an email from Rumble last week that I have a full roster for this coming Sunday. See everyone real soon 🙂

Plush Workshop w/ Monstrochika @ Rumble Arts!

Pilsen Open Studios @ Cobalt Studio

Hello again everyone!

What a lovely time we had at the grand studio warming/open studios event at
Cobalt Studio!

Adriana Baltazar’s beautiful hanging paper flowers. Print-outs, cut-outs, postcards, photos, covered the walls of Adriana’s work area and hover above small works in progress and various work materials. You also find an installation piece which is a miniature model of her Abuelita’s home in Pilsen.

Towards the middle of the studio people are crowded around players of a fooseball table game. The fooseball table is covered in the artwork of Juan Compean on the U.S. immigration issue. The player pieces are works of art, molds made for each piece and painted with the “players” on both sides. Some that I recall on the US side were a border patrol agent, a rockero with a mohawk, and a blood spattered butcher representing immigrant meat packing plant workers.

Across from the fooseball game is a lounge area where people sit relaxing and chatting on a big comfy brown couch. Towards this back area is where Antonio Martinez’s work area is located. Small to large works on canvas and wood grace the walls. His paintings include such figures as the late Carlos Cortez, Padre Jesus, masked luchadores, hand tools and his recurrent mighty hands which he says stem from his experience working with his hands as a plumber by trade.

My first comic “The Brown Bag Lunch Hour”

Thank you Cobalt Studio!


Chika A Day: DAY 31 – Project Ended

Tonight I had dinner with two great artists/friends in China Town. They had me cracking up. There is something that I cannot be without. LAUGHTER. It feels soooooo good and I love it.

So my friends, here is the final Monstrochika in the Chika A Day Project. A happy and fully nourished chica. Like my favorite Buddha – The Happy Buddha!

Thank you all for your support. It was a fun and at times wacky project to share with you. Keep visiting because there is more fun to come!

Chika A Day: DAY 27 & 28


I will now take a moment to reflect upon what I learned through this project.

1. It is important to draw everyday for an artist, and especially in my case, spending most of the day in an office without artist minded people, it is essential to the survival of this artist.

2. This has also been a great exercise and practice for me in drawing my caricatures’ facial expressions, and their various bodies and poses.

3. Finally and through this unfortunate missed day I also learned that sometimes it is not possible to DO IT ALL.

Thank you to all who support me and my ongoing projects.

Drop in and see us for Annual Pilsen Open Studios this Saturday & Sunday from 12 pm to 8 pm. We are at Cobalt Studio #7 on the map. A very special thanks to Adi & Toni for opening their space to all of us 🙂

More at:

So again….

Love you all 🙂